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Outline/summary of important points
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Outline/summary of important points
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Lets provide a clear and reliable path to inner peace. These ideas are not original but are universal principles found within all the major religions and woven into democracies and
governing systems the world over. However, obviously there is still a distance to go. It is my intention for this book to reach the broadest possible audience. Hopefully, people of all backgrounds will be able to benefit from these teachings.
I learned that I could change internally and choose to react differently to those around me. My peace and well-being were not dependent upon others changing.
Having inner peace is no mistake. It is not luck. It is a result of definite actions. You will need to get in touch with your purpose, so your energy can be channeled in the appropriate way. The correct channeling of your energy results in peace. In the same way that we cultivate a field so that it yields the desired crops, we must cultivate our inner field of consciousness to gain the desired fruit of peace and well being.
Because we are communicating to people with very different backgrounds, we must find a term that is universally acceptable and easily understood. Aligning with Love not only brings you into harmony within yourself but also with others who are aligned with Love, regardless of their religion or perspective. Therefore, “Love” will be our term of choice. To achieve the kind of lasting inner peace that you want, you are going to need to develop your relationship with Love itself. You need to let it in, let it grow inside of you, and let it flow through you and into the lives of others. You, like everyone, have great potential as an instrument of Love.
This world, from the smallest sub-atomic particle to the outer limits of the galaxies, has order. Order serves a purpose, whether or not you or I understand that purpose. Today many scientists are finding that even what looks like chaos, when looked at more closely, proves to be a necessary part of an orderly, deliberate cosmos. Human existence is no exception. You are here for a purpose, too, whether or not you understand what that may be. When you do understand your purpose, you become a greater instrument of Love. By embracing your strengths and passions (whatever they may be) and trying to use them for good, you are on the path which leads to peace.
We believe the following:
1) You can cultivate peace within.
2) There is a relationship between your inner peace and your self-control.
3) When you are in control of your mind and passions, you become relatively calm, like a flame burning in a place where no wind blows.
4) As you create peace within yourself, you cannot help but bring more peace into the world.
5) Mastering your own passions helps to subdue the anger and discord of other people in your life.
6) Your peace is promoted with a healthy, vital body.
7) It is only through harmony with your true purpose that you become an instrument of peace in the world.
You may already agree with the above beliefs, and maybe you think of yourself as peaceful. Maybe you’ve never thought about yourself in these terms. Here are some questions to help you assess your own standing:
1) Do you have a feeling of inner peace?
2) Do you have mostly loving thoughts of others?
3) Do you mostly avoid thoughts of violence, anger, rage, envy, or resentment?
4) Are your words and actions consistent with your thoughts?
5) Do you have harmonious relationships?
6) Do you try to avoid being pulled into physical or verbal confrontations?
7) Is your main goal and energy directed toward building up others?
8) Do you mostly avoid spending your time and energy tearing others down?
9) In your mind and heart, do you want Love and peace to prevail?
10) Do you try to defuse explosive situations?
If you answered “yes” to most of these questions you are already well along on the path to becoming a peaceful presence. If not, these questions will help get you thinking and may give you a greater sense of where you currently stand.