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There is a power that can help solve our pressing problems and help us live a life of health, peace, and abundance.
If you are experiencing "dis-ease" -anxiety, low motivation, depression, low energy, mental discord, a chronic feeling of isolation/loneliness- you may be suffering from a lack of alignment with the source of life, health and vitality.
This is the same Source, many call it G-d (or God) which designed you with purpose, set your life in motion, and continues to pull for your health and development.
In my view the ideal is to be "G-d Centered." There is a "-" in the word because in truth it can not be truly be named or defined. We ignore the reality of this nurturing relationship at our own peril.
The purpose of our approach, then, is to form a closer connection to this Source of life.
Here are some core steps that can be taken that form the foundation of this approach.
Eat foods that are close to nature and that are within your bodies ability to easily digest. Get exercise almost daily if possible. Try to reduce and/or let go of unnecessary drugs including caffeine and sugar and meat intake. Practice deep breathing and if possible some form of yoga. Maintain a healthy body weight. Try to simplify your life where possible and take pleasure in simple things.
2. Mental
Try to be around nature almost daily. Spend time in meditation to help calm the mind and see beneath the surface mental chatter that does not nurture your wellbeing.
3. Emotional
Take in those things which you can digest emotionally and that do not make you sick with discord. This includes the type and quantity of news and social media participation and the people with whom you associate.
4. Communal
Find supportive people to be around. Try to keep the company of those who put you at ease and minimize contact with those around whom you can't breathe. Many find associations with religious people supportive. At the same time you are unique so find the community that helps you move where you know you must go.
5. Spiritual
Recognize that for this journey you can not rely upon your will power alone but must have a Higher Power working in your life. Pray and meditate in a way that brings you peace, greater wisdom, and insight and that is consistent with your beliefs. Try to discover your Creator's will for you and your life and to do it to the best of your ability. This will move you toward greater happiness. Cultivate faith and trust by reading supportive books. Strive for peace and kindness.
Move toward these principles and away from their opposites:
Acceptance of yourself
Hope that better things are coming
Willingness to change what you can
Service to others, especially those who you understand well do to your own challenges.
(Taken from the 12 Step Recovery Principles.)
Here ae some thoughts that are helpful to many:
God, rant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
(such as Nature running its course.)
The courage to change the things I can
(such as living by spiritual principles and taking care of my health.)
And the wisdom to know the difference.
May see that I can only control my actions, and that a loving, all embracing Creator will guide me and support me through any experience I may encounter as I do my part.
Edited but Taken from
If I can be of help please be in touch. For more than 3 decades I've been on this journey and have been practicing and teaching. I have made great progress from where I once was. I am happy to be helpful, both as a professional and, when I can, as a caring fellow human being.
I think the opposite of self-centered is G-d Centered!